iCan Hypnosis
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Insomnia Free: iCan Hypnosis
Insomnia Free: iCan Hypnosis4.6
We all need sleep. Good quality sleep. It is essential to our health and well being. When we sleep we dream and dreams happen when the brain is properly re-programming. How much sleep? Average 7 to 9 hours but this varies according to age, lifestyle and environment. If this is your problem hypnothe
Anxiety Free: iCan Hypnosis
Anxiety Free: iCan Hypnosis4.5
Anxiety, tension and stress are common in everyday modern life, and as well as a source of unhappiness, can lead to other problems. Stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol signal the body to a state of arousal to meet survival instincts. However, misplaced stressors, can do harm to your long
iCan Stop Drinking
iCan Stop Drinking3.0
Learn the benefits of Self Hypnosis Problems with alcohol are a common occurrence in today’s culture and can range in intensity from strong cravings to alcohol abuse to alcoholism itself, the most severe. Alcoholism occurs when a person becomes completely dependent on ‘the drink’ to get them throug
Abate Panic Attacks
Abate Panic Attacks-
Panic Attacks.<br>Panic attacks are caused by extreme anxiety generally, traumatic events in ones life or perhaps a phobia.<br><br>Now panic attacks are physical manifestations of extreme anxiety.They occur very suddenly and often for no apparent reason.The symptoms are a result of a rush of blood
iCan Lose Weight: learn self hypnosis and control your weight
iCan Lose Weight: learn self hypnosis and control your weight-
Anyone can diet! Some people have been on diets most of their lives - stepping on and off the faddy roller-coaster of the latest hot diet, which then is almost inevitably interspersed with furious eating binges.<br>All this does is to reduce your general health levels while degrading the immune syst
iCan Stop Smoking: learn self hypnosis and quit smoking
iCan Stop Smoking: learn self hypnosis and quit smoking-
Stop smoking today<br>The cost of a hypnotherapy download is minimal compared with the cost of continuing to smoke...and we're not talking about the real costs here.&nbsp; And the benefits of quitting are almost immediate - few days after stopping, the nicotine is out of your system - and if that we
Alleviate IBS: iCan hypnosis with Donald Mackinnon
Alleviate IBS: iCan hypnosis with Donald Mackinnon-
Irritable Bowel Syndrome<br><br>Until a couple of decades ago, IBS had only ever been treated with conventional medicine. Then in the early nineteen eighties, psychology based trials were introduced, including hypnotherapy, on the premise that the problem, although not psychological in origin, could